
レビュー: デング 

The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 14 September 2014


Ebola virus disease case definition for reporting in EU

Clinical criteria

Any person currently presenting or having presented before death:
  • Fever ≥38.6°C
AND any of the following:
  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain
  • Unexplained haemorrhagic manifestations in various forms
  • Multi-organ failure
OR a person who died suddenly and inexplicably

Laboratory criteria

Any of the following:
  • Detection of Ebola virus nucleic acid in a clinical specimen and confirmation by sequencing or a second assay on different genomic targets.
  • Isolation of Ebola virus from a clinical specimen.

Epidemiological criteria

In the 21 days before the onset of symptoms:
  • having had contact with a probable or confirmed EVD case.

High-risk exposure criteria

Any of the following:
  • close face-to-face contact (e.g. within one metre) without appropriate personal protective equipment (including eye protection) with a probable or confirmed case who was coughing, vomiting, bleeding, or who had diarrhoea; or had unprotected sexual contact with a case up to three months after recovery;
  • direct contact with any material soiled by bodily fluids from a probable or confirmed case;
  • percutaneous injury (e.g. with needle) or mucosal exposure to bodily fluids, tissues or laboratory specimens of a probable or confirmed case;
  • participation in funeral rites with direct exposure to human remains in or from an affected area without appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • direct contact with bats, rodents, primates, living or dead, in or from affected areas, or bushmeat.


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