The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (beta version)
7. 非血管性頭蓋内疾患関与頭痛
7.2.1 Post-dural puncture headache
7.2.2 CSF fistula headache
7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension
脳脊髄液(cerebrospinal fluid)記載は、37ヶ所であり、頭蓋内圧亢進や脳脊髄液リンパ球増加症である。これらは、交通外傷と必ずしも結びついてない
Previously used terms:
Headache attributed to spontaneous low CSF pressure or primary intracranial hypotension; low CSF-volume headache; hypoliquorrhoeic headache.
Orthostatic headache caused by low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure of spontaneous origin. It is usually accompanied by neck stiffness and subjective hearing symptoms. It remits after normalization of CSF pressure.
Diagnostic criteria:
- Any headache fulfilling criterion C
- Low CSF pressure (<60 and="" csf="" evidence="" imaging="" leakage="" li="" mm="" of="" on="" or="">60>
- Headache has developed in temporal relation to the low CSF pressure or CSF leakage, or has led to its discovery
- Not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis.
Comments:7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension cannot be diagnosed in a patient who has had a dural puncture within the prior month.
The headache in patients with spontaneous CSF leaks or spontaneously low CSF pressure may resemble 7.2.1 Post-dural puncture headache, occurring immediately or within seconds of assuming an upright position and resolving quickly (within 1 minute) after lying horizontally. Alternatively it may show delayed response to postural change, worsening after minutes or hours of being upright and improving, but not necessarily resolving, after minutes or hours of being horizontal. Although there is a clear postural component in most cases of 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension, it may not be as dramatic or immediate as in 7.2.1 Post-dural puncture headache. The orthostatic nature of the headache at its onset should be sought when eliciting a history, as this feature may become much less obvious over time.
Although autologous epidural blood patches (EBPs) are frequently effective in sealing CSF leaks, the response to a single EBP may not be permanent, and complete relief of symptoms may not be achieved until two or more EBPs have been performed. However, some degree of sustained improvement, beyond a few days, is generally expected. In some cases, sustained improvement cannot be achieved with EBPs and surgical intervention may be required.
In patients with typical orthostatic headache and no apparent cause, after exclusion of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) it is reasonable in clinical practice to provide autologous lumbar EBP.
It is not clear that all patients have an active CSF leak, despite a compelling history or brain imaging signs compatible with CSF leakage. Cisternography is an outdated test, now infrequently used; it is significantly less sensitive than other imaging modalities (MRI, CT or digital subtraction myelography). Dural puncture to measure CSF pressure directly is not necessary in patients with positive MRI signs such as dural enhancement with contrast.
The underlying disorder in 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension may be low CSF volume. A history of a trivial increase in intracranial pressure (e.g. on vigorous coughing) is sometimes elicited. Postural headache has been reported after coitus: such headache should be coded as 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension because it is most probably a result of CSF leakage.
7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension cannot be diagnosed in a patient who has had a dural puncture within the prior month.
The headache in patients with spontaneous CSF leaks or spontaneously low CSF pressure may resemble 7.2.1 Post-dural puncture headache, occurring immediately or within seconds of assuming an upright position and resolving quickly (within 1 minute) after lying horizontally. Alternatively it may show delayed response to postural change, worsening after minutes or hours of being upright and improving, but not necessarily resolving, after minutes or hours of being horizontal. Although there is a clear postural component in most cases of 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension, it may not be as dramatic or immediate as in 7.2.1 Post-dural puncture headache. The orthostatic nature of the headache at its onset should be sought when eliciting a history, as this feature may become much less obvious over time.
Although autologous epidural blood patches (EBPs) are frequently effective in sealing CSF leaks, the response to a single EBP may not be permanent, and complete relief of symptoms may not be achieved until two or more EBPs have been performed. However, some degree of sustained improvement, beyond a few days, is generally expected. In some cases, sustained improvement cannot be achieved with EBPs and surgical intervention may be required.
In patients with typical orthostatic headache and no apparent cause, after exclusion of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) it is reasonable in clinical practice to provide autologous lumbar EBP.
It is not clear that all patients have an active CSF leak, despite a compelling history or brain imaging signs compatible with CSF leakage. Cisternography is an outdated test, now infrequently used; it is significantly less sensitive than other imaging modalities (MRI, CT or digital subtraction myelography). Dural puncture to measure CSF pressure directly is not necessary in patients with positive MRI signs such as dural enhancement with contrast.
The underlying disorder in 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension may be low CSF volume. A history of a trivial increase in intracranial pressure (e.g. on vigorous coughing) is sometimes elicited. Postural headache has been reported after coitus: such headache should be coded as 7.2.3 Headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension because it is most probably a result of CSF leakage.
脳脊髄液減少症:国際頭痛分類の基準変更 患者数拡大へ
毎日新聞 2013年09月05日 07時29分
「むち打ち症―交通事故で被害、実は脳の髄液漏れ 加害者側相手、全国で訴訟相次ぐ」『毎日新聞』2005年5月17日
『むち打ち症』=『脳脊髄圧減少症』とミスリードを試みる毎日新聞 および TBS