

  • 最も多い気管支分岐変異(sub-superior *の存在)は、COPD、慢性気管支炎オッズ比増加と関連し、中枢側気道の分岐数増加や、全肺葉の気腔拡大、気腫と関連。
  • 2番目に多い変異(右B7の欠損)は、喫煙者COPDオッズ増加、呼吸困難、全ての肺葉の小気道内腔狭窄化と関連し、FGF10遺伝子多様性 と関連

Human airway branch variation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Benjamin M. Smith, et al. and for the MESA Lung and SPIROMICS investigators
PNAS 2018; published ahead of print January 16, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1715564115

in vivo central airway branch variant(s)

A) 標準下葉解剖:両側 下葉上区(B6)、前区(B8)、外側区(B9)、後区域(B10)の存在と、右B7の存在と、左B7の欠損、B※の欠損

B) 副上枝下下葉分岐変異:accessory subsuperior airway branch variant
(sub-superior *もしくはsub-superior BX*9 or BX*10は、本来は、背側、B6とB9を起始として、左葉 29%、右葉 62%に存在)
C) 右内側肺底部分岐欠損:absent right medial-basal airway branch variant



単回術前の理学療法は上腹部手術後術後呼吸器合併症: postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs)減少効果


Lung Infection Prevention Post Surgery Major Abdominal with Pre-Operative Physiotherapy (LIPPSMAck-POP) による仮説:術前教育、呼吸運動訓練によるPPCs抑制効果

Preoperative physiotherapy for the prevention of respiratory complications after upper abdominal surgery: pragmatic, double blinded, multicentre randomised controlled trial

Ianthe Boden,  et al.
BMJ 2018; 360 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j5916 (Published 24 January 2018)
Cite this as: BMJ 2018;360:j5916

情報冊子(n=219; 対照) vs 術前理学療法(n=222;介入群)




Box 1 Postoperative pulmonary complication diagnostic tool: Melbourne group score
Diagnosis confirmed when four or more criteria are present in a postoperative day:

  • New abnormal breath sounds on auscultation different from in the preoperative assessment
  • Production of yellow or green sputum different from in the preoperative assessment
  • Pulse oximetry oxygen saturation (SpO2) <90 air="" consecutive="" day="" li="" more="" on="" one="" postoperative="" room="" than="">
  • Maximum oral temperature >38°C on more than one consecutive postoperative day
  • Chest radiography report of collapse or consolidation
  • An unexplained white cell count greater than 11×109/L
  • Presence of infection on sputum culture report
  • Physician’s diagnosis of pneumonia, lower or upper respiratory tract infection, an undefined chest infection, or prescription of an antibiotic for a respiratory infection



術後入院14日以内のPPC発生頻度は、院内発症肺炎含め、介入群においては対照群の半減  (補正ハザード比 0.48, 95% 信頼区間 0.30 to 0.75, P=0.001)、絶対リスク減少として15% (95% 信頼区間 7% to 22%)、NNT17(95%信頼区間 5-14)


Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline
Hedy L. Kindler, et al.

Recommendation 2.1: The recommended first-line chemotherapy for patients with mesothelioma is pemetrexed plus platinum. However, patients should also be offered the option of enrolling in a clinical trial (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: high; Strength of recommendation: strong)


Recommendation 3.1: The addition of bevacizumab to pemetrexed-based chemotherapy improves survival in select patients and therefore may be offered to patients with no contraindications to bevacizumab. The randomized clinical trial demonstrating benefit with bevacizumab used cisplatin/pemetrexed; data with carboplatin/pemetrexed plus bevacizumab are insufficient for a clear recommendation (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: high; Strength of recommendation: moderate)


Recommendation 3.2: Bevacizumab is not recommended for patients with PS 2, substantial cardiovascular comorbidity, uncontrolled hypertension, age > 75, bleeding or clotting risk, or other contraindications to bevacizumab (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: intermediate; Strength of recommendation: moderate).

Recommendation 4.0: In patients who may not be able to tolerate cisplatin, carboplatin may be offered as a substitute for cisplatin (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: intermediate; Strength of recommendation: strong).

Recommendation 5.1: Retreatment with pemetrexed-based chemotherapy may be offered in pleural mesothelioma patients who achieved durable (> 6 months) disease control with first-line pemetrexed-based chemotherapy (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: low; Strength of recommendation: moderate).

Recommendation 5.2: Given the very limited activity of second-line chemotherapy in patients with mesothelioma, participation in clinical trials is recommended (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: intermediate; Strength of recommendation: strong).

Recommendation 5.3: In patients for whom clinical trials are not an option, vinorelbine may be offered as second-line therapy (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: low; Strength of recommendation: moderate).

Recommendation 6.1: In asymptomatic patients with epithelial mesothelioma and a low disease burden who are not surgical candidates, a trial of expectant observation may be offered before initiation of systemic therapy (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: low; Strength of recommendation: moderate).

Recommendation 6.2: Front-line pemetrexed-based chemotherapy should be given for four to six cycles. For patients with stable or responding disease, a break from chemotherapy is recommended at that point (Type of recommendation: evidence based; Evidence quality: low; Strength of recommendation: moderate).


禁煙はお早めに! 米国における人種・民族・性別による喫煙・禁煙での死亡率相違|Makisey|note 日常生活内の小さな身体活動の積み重ねが健康ベネフィットをもたらす:VILPA|Makisey|note