
COPD:長期2年以上アジスロマイシン周期的投与 急性増悪発生、入院、入院期間減少するも・・・

Clinical and Safety Outcomes of Long-Term Azithromycin Therapy in Severe COPD Beyond the First Year of Treatment

Severe COPD and Long-Term Azithromycin Therapy
Xavier Pomares,  et al.
Chest Journal. Article in Press Vol. 149. 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2018.01.044


方法:後顧的解析、重症COPD 4以上(GOLD)、4回以上のCOPD急性増悪症例
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結果:重症COPD109名 CC-A治療(24ヶ月以上 39名)がLT-CC-A群 (35.8%)

この群ではCOPD急性増悪平均減少率は 12ヶ月で 56.2%、24ヶ月で70%、36ヶ月で 41%

Long-term continuous cyclic azithromycin therapy and exacerbations of COPD (n = 39). Number of exacerbations of COPD per patient before (time 0) and after long-term continuous cyclic azithromycin therapy at 12, 24, and 36 months, respectively. Each patient is represented with a continuous line. The dashed line represents the estimated average decrease in the whole group based on the applied mixed model for repeated measures with fixed effects of follow-up time.

入院は同様、 62.6%、 75.8%、 39.8%

頻度の多い微生物によるCOPD急性増悪は、LT-CC-A群で 12ヶ月で12.5%、24ヶ月で 17.3%。


CC-A治療は副作用少ない、短期消化器症状 7.1%、長期難聴 5.1%

結論:長期周期的アジスロマイシン24-36ヶ月間治療は、COPD grade DにおいてCOPD急性増悪、入院を50%超減少維持させるも副作用少ない


Macrolide therapy decreases chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation: a meta-analysis.
Respiration. 2013;86(3):254-60. doi: 10.1159/000350828. Epub 2013 Jun 28.

Prophylactic Antibiotic Use in COPD and the Potential Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Antibiotics
Anthony W Huckle, Lucy C Fairclough and Ian Todd
Respiratory Care February 2018, respcare.05943; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4187/respcare.05943




Neck/shoulder function in tension-type headache patients and the effect of strength training
Madsen BK, Søgaard K,  et al.
Journal of Pain Research
 Volume 11 February 2018 Volume 2018:11 Pages 445—454 

頚部痛の全部とはもちろん言えないが、筋力低下とrate of force development (RFD)に基づく

RFD  : Rate of force development
Rate of force development is thought to be critical for sports performance for one very simple reason: most sports movements happen within a shorter period of time than human muscles take to reach maximum force production (Hernández-Davó & Sabido, 2014). Although peak force is typically achieved within 250ms (Kawamori et al. 2006), sports movements can occur within a period of time shorter than this.
重要なのは、筋力測定は力vs時間のグラフが線形でないことで、0.5秒間以下でプラトーに達する急峻な増加をしめす。力が発生する初期windowの期間は線形と通常扱っている。間隔は0-50 ms、50-100 ms、100-150 ms、150-200 ms、 200-250 ms。ニュートン(N)/秒として表現される事が多い 

<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">https://www.strengthandconditioningresearch.com/rate-of-force-development-rfd/
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen=""> <100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
緊張性頭痛患者の頚部筋肉の "筋肉強度、屈曲・進展時force steadiness、extension,rate"測定
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">緊張性頭痛患者では、extension force stedinessは健康対照比較で 変動係数:coefficient of variation (CoV) 15%高値 (p=0.047)
RFDは緊張性頭痛患者で健康対照より低値(25%) (p=0.031)<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">筋圧痛(muscle tenderness)と有意な中等度相関 
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">筋力増強介入:10週間のエラスティック(弾性)バンドトレーニング<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">対照:エルゴノミックおよび姿勢補正<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">介入群23、対照群22で 群間差認めず両群とも、進展筋力の安定性有意改善 
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">

<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">


"nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics of exhaled breath condensate (EBC)":呼気凝縮液中NMR-ベースのmetabolomics

“メタボロミクス(Metabolomics)あるいはメタボローム解析(Metabolomic analysis)とは、細胞の活動によって生じる特異的な分子を網羅的に解析”


呼気凝縮液中Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) にて、喘息とCOPDを強い相関性をもって鑑別(95%, p < 0.0013)、high-quality parameters (R2 = 0.86 and Q2 = 0.86)

喘息患者に比べ、COPD患者ではエタノール増加  (p = 0.0119; 4 25.56 ± 4.57 μM vs. 12.15 ± 3.12 μM, mean ± SD) 、メタノール増加l (p = 0.049; 10.67 ± 2.99 μM vs. 5.01 ± 2.02 μM)、 formate(ギ酸エステル)濃度低下 (p = 0.009; 2.63 ± 0.97 μM vs. 6.97 ± 1.12 μM) 、acetone/acetoin濃度低下 (p = 0.0004; 5.84 ± 1.49 μM vs. 12.53 ± 3.01 μM)

Differential diagnosis between newly diagnosed asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using exhaled breath condensate metabolomics: a pilot study
Mauro Maniscalco, et al.
ERJ Express. Published on January 18, 2018 as doi: 10.1183/13993003.01825-2017


禁煙はお早めに! 米国における人種・民族・性別による喫煙・禁煙での死亡率相違|Makisey|note 日常生活内の小さな身体活動の積み重ねが健康ベネフィットをもたらす:VILPA|Makisey|note