
PEPTICトライアル:ICU人工呼吸患者ストレス潰瘍予防 PPI vs H2RA

Alhazzani  W, Alenezi  F, Jaeschke  RZ, Moayyedi  P, Cook  DJ.  Proton pump inhibitors versus histamine 2 receptor antagonists for stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  Crit Care Med. 2013;41(3):693-705. doi:10.1097/CCM.0b013e3182758734
さらに、PPIsがH2Rブロッカーに比べ院内感染、Clostridioides difficile感染リスク増加や免疫抑制作用、NK細胞活性、好中球chemotaxis、superoxide産生など死亡率悪化へ懸念あり

 Proton Pump Inhibitors vs Histamine-2 Receptor Blockers for Ulcer Prophylaxis Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (PEPTIC) trialが構築された


ICU入院中のストレス潰瘍予防とししてのPPIs vs H2R遮断(H2RBs



The specific PPI or H2RB, dose, mode of administration and duration of study treatment will be the individual ICU clinician’s decision or until the patient is discharged from ICU (whichever is shorter)


26,982名の患者をランダム化、154 opt out、26,828名解析(平均[SD]年齢、58 [17.0]歳; 9691 [36.1%]は女性)

 死亡率分析に含まれる患者は26 771人(99.2%)。 PPIグループの13415人の患者のうち2459人(18.3%)が90日までに病院内死亡、H2RBグループの13356人の患者のうち2333人(17.5%)が90日までに病院内死亡(リスク比、1.05 [95%CI 、1.00〜1.10]、絶対リスク差、0.93パーセントポイント[95%CI、-0.01〜1.88]パーセントポイント、P = .054)。


 臨床的に重要な上部消化管出血は、PPIグループの1.3%およびH2RBグループの1.8%で発生(リスク比、0.73 [95%CI、0.57〜0.92]。絶対リスク差、-0.51パーセントポイント[95%CI、-0.90 〜0.12パーセントポイント]; P = .009)。

  Clostridioides difficile感染率とICUおよび病院の入院期間は、治療群ごとに有意差無し。 PPIグループの1人の患者で1つの有害事象(アレルギー反応)が報告された。

結論:ICU人工呼吸患者において、ストレス潰瘍予防とししてのPPIs vs H2RBs比較として入院死亡率 18.3% vs 17.5%で有意差閾値に至らず

Effect of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis With Proton Pump Inhibitors vs Histamine-2 Receptor Blockers on In-Hospital Mortality Among ICU Patients Receiving Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
The PEPTIC Randomized Clinical Trial
The PEPTIC Investigators for the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group, Alberta Health Services Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network, and the Irish Critical Care Trials Group
JAMA. Published online January 17, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.22190




ニューロキニン1(NK1)受容体拮抗作用(in vitro)
  • NK1受容体に対する親和性
  • 各種NK受容体作動薬誘発反応に対する作用


Aprepitant for Cough Suppression in Advanced Lung Cancer: A Randomized Trial

Vanita Noronha (American Board Certified in Hematology and Medical Oncology) et al.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2019.11.048
Available online 18 January 2020

VAS、Manchester Cough in Lung Cancer Scale (MCLCS)の効果がプライマリエンドポイント
QOLスコア:EORTC QLQ-C30 と QLQ-LC13 and toxicity及び毒性はセカンダリ

平均VAS(mm表示):ベースラインとday 9
アプレピタント 68→39、対照群 62 → 49 ; P<0.001<0 .001="" p="">
<0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
平均MCLCSスコア:ベースラインとday 9
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">アプレピタント33→23、対照群 30→ 25; P<0.001
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">QOLの有意差認めないが、咳嗽関連QoLドメイン改善
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">重度副事象差認めず
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">

<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">
<0 .001="" p=""><0 .001="" 23="" 25="" 30="" 33="" a="" adverse="" and="" aprepitant="" arm="" arms="" at="" baseline="" between="" control="" cough-specific="" day="" did="" different="" domain="" events.="" however="" improvement="" in="" increase="" led="" mclcs="" mean="" nine="" not="" overall="" p="" qol="" scores="" severe="" significant="" significantly="" the="" to="" two="" was="" were="">統計学的には効果あるようだが、臨床的に実感するほどの効果になるのだろうか?


Associations between 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels, lung function, and exacerbation outcomes in COPD: An analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort

Robert M. Burkes, et. al. for the SPIROMICS Investigators
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2019.11.047

SPIROMICS被験者 1609名サンプル

ビタミンD欠乏(< 20 ng/ml) 21%

ビタミンD欠乏は登録時FEV1%予測比低下 4.11 (95% CI -6.90 to -1.34 %-predicted, P=0.004),  、1年後FEV1減少程度増加 1.27% (95% CI -2.32 to -0.22 %-predicted/yr; P=0.02)、登録先行年のCOPD急性増悪増加  (OR 1.32; 95% CI 1.00-1.74; P=0.049)と関連

25-OH-ビタミンD 10 ng/ml減少毎 ベースライン肺機能低下 [-1.27 %-predicted (95% CI -2.32 to -0.22 %-predicted); P=0.02] 、登録先行前1年間の急性増悪オッズ増加 [OR 1.11 (95% CI 1.01-1.22); P=0.04]




禁煙はお早めに! 米国における人種・民族・性別による喫煙・禁煙での死亡率相違|Makisey|note 日常生活内の小さな身体活動の積み重ねが健康ベネフィットをもたらす:VILPA|Makisey|note