


cough variant asthmaに関する記載は"咳嗽は呼吸困難や喘鳴以外の喘息症状だが、単独でも存在することがある"という記述、咳嗽のみの症状の喘息


「In a patient suspected  of having asthma as the primary cause of their chronic cough, but in whom physical examination and spirometry findings are non-diagnosticbronchial challenge testing (e.g.,  methacholine inhalation test) should be performed to confirm the presence of airway hyperresponsiveness consistent with symptomatic asthma.
Asthma is also typically, but not  exclusively, associated with eosinophilic inflammation and non-invasive inflammatory  markers such as blood or sputum eosinophil counts and fractional exhaled nitric oxide , The wider application of non-invasive assessment of airway inflammation led in 1989 to the  identification of a condition that manifests as a corticosteroid responsive chronic cough in  non-smokers, without the variable airway obstruction or airway hyperresponsiveness that  characterize asthma, but with a airway eosinophilia. This condition was described as non- (FeNO) can provide additional evidence to support the need for corticosteroid treatment.」
The wider application of non-invasive assessment of airway inflammation led in 1989 (Gibson PG, Dolovich J, Denburg J, Ramsdale EH, Hargreave FE. Chronic cough: eosinophilic bronchitis without asthma. Lancet 1989; 1(8651): 1346-8.) to the identification of a condition that manifests as a corticosteroid responsive chronic cough in non-smokers, without the variable airway obstruction or airway hyperresponsiveness that characterize asthma, but with a airway eosinophilia.
This condition was described as non-asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis (NAEB).
ということで、変動する気道閉塞やairway hyperresponsiveness が無いことが条件

Managing Chronic Cough due to Asthma and NAEB in Adults and Adolescents: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report
CHEST Expert Cough Panel

1.In adult and adolescent patients with chronic cough due to asthma, we suggest that non-invasive measurement of airway inflammation has clinical utility and the presence of eosinophilic airway inflammation is likely to be associated with a more favorable response to corticosteroids (Grade 2B).

Remarks: The evidence supporting a role for non-invasive measurement of airway inflammation in asthma, especially severe asthma (ATS/ERS Guideline), in predicting a beneficial response to corticosteroids is moderate. However, cough-specific studies in asthma are limited as this symptom is not included as a specific symptom of asthma control and is generally not captured independently of other symptoms in most studies of asthma. 

2.  In adult and adolescent patients with chronic cough due to asthma as a unique symptom (cough variant asthma [CVA]) we suggest that inhaled corticosteroids should be considered as first line treatment. If response is incomplete in those with CVA or if cough is the  remaining isolated symptom following treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in patients with   asthma in whom cough was one of their symptoms we suggest stepping-up the inhaled corticosteroid dose and considering a therapeutic trial of a leukotriene inhibitor after  reconsideration of alternative causes of cough. Beta-agonists could also be considered in  combination with ICS. (Grade 1B).

Remarks: The evidence base supporting the step-wise treatment for asthma is very strong (as per the Global Initiative for Asthma, GINA), whereas cough-specific studies in asthma are  limited as this symptom is not captured independently of other symptoms in most studies of  asthma. The grade thus reflects the very strong evidence for step-wise treatment of asthma in   general rather than specifically for cough. 

3. In adult and adolescent patients with chronic cough due to non-asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis (NAEB), we suggest inhaled corticosteroids as first-choice treatment (Grade 2B).

Remarks: There are very few therapeutic trials in NAEB and all include small numbers of  subjects, making this a weak recommendation.

4. In adult and adolescent patients with chronic cough due to NAEB if response to ICS is   incomplete, we suggest stepping-up the inhaled corticosteroid dose and considering a therapeutic trial of a leukotriene inhibitor after reconsideration of alternative causes of cough   (Grade 2C).

Remarks: There are very few therapeutic trials in NAEB and all include small numbers of subjects making this a weak recommendation.

2019nCoV 無症候感染への疑義



Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed
By Kai Kupferschmidt Feb. 3, 2020 , 5:30 PM

NEJM Coronavirus Transmission Research Questioned
Report says letter about asymptomatic transmission in Germany has errors
by Molly Walker, Associate Editor, MedPage Today
February 04, 2020


Asymptomatic transmission of the novel coronavirus in Germany was called into doubt on Monday when an article appeared to question the research behind it.

Science magazine detailed errors in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) research letter published last Thursday. The letter reported that asymptomatic transmission of novel coronavirus occurred in Bavaria, Germany, when several co-workers of an asymptomatic woman traveling from China contracted the virus.

The letter, and several media reports, said that the woman wasn't sick when she was in Germany and only began to feel ill on the plane ride home. Turns out that wasn't quite true.

Researchers who wrote the NEJM letter did not speak to the woman herself, according to Science. But after she spoke to officials from the Robert Koch Institute, Germany's public health agency, and Bavarian officials, she said that she "felt tired, suffered from muscle pain," and took fever-lowering medication while in Germany.

While Germany's health agency spokes people would only confirm that the woman had symptoms, the Robert Koch Institute has submitted a letter to NEJM, presumably to correct the record.

China has claimed to have data showing asymptomatic transmission occurring within the country, but U.S. health officials previously said that they did not have enough data to make that claim. That appeared to change after the publication of the NEJM letter.

Indeed, asymptomatic transmission outside China was alluded to when the U.S. declared a public health emergency for novel coronavirus on Friday. And on Saturday, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported "third-generation" transmission of the virus in Germany.

Science said that WHO officials and European partner agencies have been notified with the new information. As of Tuesday, NEJM has not published a letter of correction.

LAST UPDATED 02.04.2020









February 5, 2020
2019 Novel Coronavirus—Important Information for Clinicians
Carlos del Rio, MD1; Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ2,3
JAMA. Published online February 5, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.1490

遺伝的シーケンシングデータから、ヒトへの単一の導入とそれに続くヒトからヒトへの広がりがあったようです。この新しいウイルスは、SARS-CoVと遺伝的配列の79.5%を共有し、コウモリコロナウイルスに96.2%の相同性を有する。 2さらに、2019-nCoVは、SARS-CoVと同じ細胞エントリー受容体ACE2を共有する。まだはっきりしないのは、どの動物がコウモリと人間の中間種であるかです。SARSの場合はシベット猫でしたが、MERSにとってはラクダです。2019-CoVの源はまだ不明ですが、華安水産物卸売市場の早い段階では疫学的に結びついていました。
臨床症候群は非特異的であり、大部分の患者では発熱および乾燥咳が特徴であり、約3分の1が息切れを経験している。一部の患者は、このような筋痛、頭痛、喉の痛み、下痢などの他の症状を持っています7.患者の年齢の中央値は49歳から56歳である。 小児の症例はまれである。ほとんどの症例は軽度であるように見えるが、病院に入院したすべての患者は、胸部X線に浸潤し、胸部コンピュータ断層撮影に対する地上ガラスの不透明度を伴う肺炎を有する。 患者の約3分の1はその後急性呼吸窮迫症候群を発症し,集中治療室での治療が必要となった。これは、糖尿病や高血圧などの併存状態の患者に特に当てはまります。
患者が発熱や呼吸器症状(特に乾いた咳)を呈した場合、臨床医は詳細な旅行履歴を取得する必要があります。患者が過去14日間に湖北省への旅行の履歴を持っている場合、彼らはperson under investigation (PUI) とみなされるべきです(図)。

“厚労省、新型肺炎の検査対象拡大 発熱とせきなども 潜伏期間10日間に見直し”は再修正してた方が良いのでは?



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