Nonobstructive Chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs that affects approximately 6% of the U.S. population. This condition was well defined and classified in a 1965 report to the British Medical Research Council (MRC), which stated, "the essential clinical abnormality common to all persons with chronic bronchitis ... is bronchial hypersecretion which is usually manifest as productive cough" . Hypersecretion was considered to be "chronic or recurrent" if expectoration "occurred on most days during at least three consecutive months for more than two successive years". The report further stated that "it is possible to recognize simple, mucopurulent, and obstructive forms of chronic bronchitis separately or in combination with each other" and proposed the term "chronic obstructive bronchitis" to describe those with "chronic bronchitis in which there is persistent, widespread narrowing of the intra-pulmonary airways, at least on expiration, causing increased resistance to airflow".https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/events/2011/non-obstructive-chronic-bronchitis
In the nearly fifty years since the MRC report was published, the definition and classification system for chronic bronchitis (CB) have persisted without substantial modification, but the attention paid to CB has diminished substantially in comparison to other pulmonary conditions. Moreover, clinicians and researchers alike have tended in recent decades to focus on one particular form of CB, namely chronic obstructive bronchitis. That condition is especially serious, since it combines the activity limitations and increased mortality that are characteristic of COPD with the diminished quality of life associated with bronchitic symptoms. Furthermore, the presence of CB enhances the risk of exacerbations among those with COPD.
Association of Nonobstructive Chronic Bronchitis With Respiratory Health Outcomes in Adults
Pallavi P. Balte, et al.
JAMA Intern Med. Published online March 2, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.0104
意義 慢性気管支炎は喫煙と若年者電子タバコ使用と関連するが、気道閉塞野内あるいは臨床的喘息のない人の慢性気管支炎(nonobstructive chronic bronchitis:非閉塞性慢性気管支炎と以下訳す)が呼吸器健康アウトカムと関連しているかは不明
目的 非閉塞性慢性気管支炎は成人喫煙既往或いは非喫煙成人の呼吸器健康悪化アウトカムと関連しているか検証
デザイン・セッティング・被験者 前向きコホート研究;:22,325名成人で初期気道閉塞(閉塞定義:FEV1/FVC< 0.70)もしくは臨床的喘息をベースラインで認めない対象者
9つの米国一般住民コホートからのデータに基づきharmonizeされたNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Pooled Cohorts Study
暴露 非閉塞性慢性気管支炎はベースラインで質問で定義し、咳嗽と喀痰3ヶ月以上連続2年以上連続とした
主要アウトカムと測定項目 肺機能は拡張剤使用前スパイロメトリにて評価
結果 22 325名成人解析、平均(SD) 年齢 53.0 (16.3)歳 (range , 18.0 - 95.0歳)、女性 58.2%、非ヒスパニック白人 65.9%、喫煙経験無し 49.6%
非閉塞慢性気管支炎(300名 [2.7%])では、非閉塞性気管支炎と比べ、FEV1減少 (4.1 mL/y; 95% CI, 2.1-6.1 mL/y) 、FVC減少(4.7 mL/y; 95% CI, 2.2-7.2 mL/y)促進し、慢性下気道疾患関連入院と死亡率リスク増加 (hazard ratio [HR], 2.2; 95% CI, 1.7-2.7)し、呼吸器関連死亡 (HR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1-3.8)及び全原因死亡率 (HR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.3-1.8) 増加した
非閉塞慢性気管支炎(151 [1.3%])では、非閉塞性気管支炎と比べ、慢性下気道疾患関連入院または死亡率増加 (HR, 3.1; 95% CI, 2.1-4.5)
非閉塞性慢性気管支炎の症状(ie, 慢性咳嗽、喀痰)1つ以上の存在は喫煙既往(11.0%)、非喫煙者(6.7%)で多く存在し、副事象的健康アウトカムと相関する
結論と知見 非閉塞慢性気管支炎は副事象的健康アウトカムと関連、特に喫煙既往者で、リスク層別化しターゲット化治療に適する高リスクphenotypeだろう
Long-term Sequelae of Nonobstructive Chronic Bronchitis—Is Airflow Obstruction Important?
Prescott G. Woodruff, et al.
JAMA Intern Med. Published online March 2, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.7280
- Is nonobstructive chronic bronchitis a unique clinical entity or is it precursor to COPD? :非閉塞性慢性気管支炎はユニークな臨床的entityなのか、COPDの前駆状態なのか?
- Are standard criteria for COPD too insensitive to detect early obstructive lung disease?:COPD標準クライテリアがあまりに感度悪く、早期閉塞性肺疾患を検知できないのでは?
- Is it time to abandon spirometric results as a defining characteristic for COPD? :COPD明確にする特性としてのスパイロメトリーを放棄すべき時なのか?
- Does the pattern of airway inflammation or the pattern of response to airway inflammation differ between ever smokers and never smokers?:喫煙既往と非喫煙者の気道炎症のパターンや気道炎症への反応パターンが異なるのか?
(独り言;Both the British Medical Research Council and the American Thoracic Society の定義そのものも暫定的という印象なのだが、果たして妥当なのか?)
慢性気管支炎はmucous hypersecretionとgel-forming mucin 5A(MUC5AC)の過剰発現と関連しているが、アジスロマイシンがMUC5ACとCOPD急性増悪減少をもたらすが、activeな喫煙者ではアジスロマイシンは急性増悪を減少指せないのは杯細胞過剰分泌とMUC5ACのupregulationが関連する可能性がある