


Individuals with obesity and COVID‐19: A global perspective on the epidemiology and biological relationships

Barry M. Popkin, et al.

Obesity Reviews

First published: 26 August 2020 



肥満を持つ個人とCOVID-19の関連性については議論の余地があり、システマティックレビューが不足している。COVID-19に関する中国語および英語の文献を系統的に検索した結果、75の研究を用いて、リスクから死亡率までの全領域にわたる肥満-COVID-19を有する個人の関連性について一連のメタアナリシスを行った。COVID-19と肥満を持つ個人のメカニズムの経路のシステマティックレビューが提示されている。プール解析では、肥満の個人はCOVID-19陽性のリスクが高く、>46.0%高かった(OR = 1.46;95%CI、1.30-1.65;p < 0.0001);入院の場合は、113%高かった(OR = 2. 13;95%CI、1.74-2.60;p<0.0001)、ICU入院では74%増(OR=1.74;95%CI、1.46-2.08)、死亡では48%増(OR=1.48;95%CI、1.22-1.80;p<0.001)。




Being an individual with obesity and the risk of COVID‐19

Meta‐analysis of the association between individuals with obesity and the risk of testing positive for COVID‐19

Being an individual with obesity and COVID‐19 illness severity

Meta‐analysis of the association between individuals with obesity and the risk of hospitalization with COVID‐19


Meta‐analysis of the association between individuals with obesity and the risk of being placed in an intensive care unit (ICU)

Meta‐analysis of the association between individuals with obesity and the risk of administration of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV)



SPMのabbreviationないのだが、Specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator(SPM)だろうか?


COVID-19 and renin- angiotensin system inhibition: role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) - Is there any scientific evidence for controversy? 

Aleksova A, Ferro F, Cappelletto C et al. 

J Intern Med 2020; 288: 410–21.


Long-term Health Consequences of COVID-19

Carlos del Rio, et al.

JAMA. 2020;324(17):1723-1724. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.19719





Who is more likely to become a long hauler?

Currently, we can’t accurately predict who will become a long hauler. As a recent article in Science notes, people only mildly affected by COVID-19 still can have lingering symptoms, and people who were severely ill can be back to normal two months later. However, continued symptoms are more likely to occur in people over age 50, people with two or three chronic illnesses, and people who became very ill with COVID-19.

There is no formal definition of the term “post-COVID long haulers.” In my opinion, a reasonable definition would be anyone diagnosed with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, or very likely to have been infected by it, who has not returned to their pre-COVID-19 level of health and function after six months.

Long-haulers include two groups of people affected by the virus:

    • Those who experience some permanent damage to their lungs, heart, kidneys, or brain that may affect their ability to function.
    • Those who continue to experience debilitating symptoms despite no detectable damage to these organs.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, has speculated that many in the second group will develop a condition called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). ME/CFS can be triggered by other infectious illnesses — such as mononucleosis, Lyme disease, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), another coronavirus disease. 

The National Academy of Medicine estimates there are one million to two million people in the US with ME/CFS.

Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization, also has expressed growing concern about the chronic illnesses that may follow in the wake of COVID-19, including ME/CFS.

What might cause the symptoms that plague long haulers?

Research is underway to test several theories. People with ME/CFS, and possibly the post-COVID long haulers, may have an ongoing low level of inflammation in the brain, or decreased blood flow to the brain, or an autoimmune condition in which the body makes antibodies that attack the brain, or several of these abnormalities.

The bottom line

How many people may become long haulers? 

We can only guess. 

Right now, more than seven million Americans have been infected by the virus. It’s not unthinkable that 50 million Americans will ultimately become infected. If just 5% develop lingering symptoms, and if most of those with symptoms have ME/CFS, we would double the number of Americans suffering from ME/CFS in the next two years. Most people who developed ME/CFS before COVID-19 remain ill for many decades. Only time will tell if this proves true for the post-COVID cases of ME/CFS.

For this and many other reasons, the strain on the American health care system and economy from the pandemic will not end soon, even if we develop and deploy a very effective vaccine by the end of 2021.



禁煙はお早めに! 米国における人種・民族・性別による喫煙・禁煙での死亡率相違|Makisey|note 日常生活内の小さな身体活動の積み重ねが健康ベネフィットをもたらす:VILPA|Makisey|note