加工食品定義に関する、American Society for Nutrition (ASN) :科学的ステートメント
1) 加工食品がいかに住民への健康に寄与するかを紹介
2)“推奨栄養素量”と“制限すべき成分”を the Dietary Guidelines for Americans推奨として影響解析
4) 健康食での加工食品の役割のより良き理解のための、新たなテクノロジーや研究をレビュー
Institute of Food Technologists scientific review によると、
described processing as “one or more of a range of operations, including washing, grinding, mixing, cooling, storing, heating, freezing, filtering, fermenting, extracting, extruding, centrifuging, frying, drying, concentrating, pressurizing, irradiating, microwaving, and packaging.”
分類の提案として、フルーツの洗浄・パッケージや野菜・煎った豆、コーヒー豆などをのをminimally processedと定義し、さらに、preserve peak freshness(缶入りツナ、フローズン・フルーツ、野菜)、甘味料成分(インスタントポテトミックス、ライス、ケーキミックス、トマトソース)、そして、"ready-to-eat"食品(シリアル、クラッカー、ヨーグルト、クッキー)、最後に、保存・即席包装(デリフーズ、フローズンピザ)
International Food Information Councilの定義
Foods that require processing or production (also called “minimally
processed”) : e.g. Washed and packaged fruit and vegetables; bagged salads; roasted and ground nuts and coffee beans
Foods processed to help preserve and enhance nutrients and freshness of
foods at their peak: e.g. Canned tuna, beans, and tomatoes; frozen fruits and vegetables; purieed and jarred baby foods
Foods that combine ingredients such as sweeteners, spices, oils, flavors,
colors, and preservatives to improve safety and taste and/or add visual
appeal; does not include “ready-to-eat” foods listed below : e.g. Some packaged foods, such as instant potato mix, rice, cake mix, jarred tomato sauce, spice mixes, dressings and sauces, and gelatin
“Ready-to-eat” foods needing minimal or no preparation : e.g. Breakfast cereal, flavored oatmeal, crackers, jams and jellies, nut butters, ice cream, yogurt, garlic bread, granola bars, cookies, fruit chews, rotisserie chicken, luncheon meats, honey-baked ham, cheese spreads, fruit drinks, and carbonated beverages
Foods packaged to stay fresh and save : ared deli foods and frozen meats, entrées, pot pies, and pizzas
しかしながら、添加として多いのは、添加糖であり、75%、飽和脂肪酸 52%、ナトリウム57%。