急性心筋梗塞死亡率改善のためには、"nurse champion"単独では足りず、やはり、常駐の専門医師が必要。問題解決的創造的評価システムが重要など納得する
"Hospital strategies for reducing risk-standardized mortality rates in acute myocardial infarction"
Bradley EH, et al
Ann Intern Med 2012; 156: 618-626.
Hospital performance improvement strategies, characteristics, and 30-day RSMRs.
搬送された病院での臨床医・スタッフ間のAMI症例のレビューを行い、月次集会、循環器専門医が常にon-siteかどうか、、問題解決をcreativeに行われるよう組織環境促進がなされているか、ICUと心カテラボのクロストレーニングナースがいないこと、nurse championだけでなく、nurse champion +医師が存在すること
・ 搬送された病院での臨床医・スタッフが月毎にミーティングすることは、標準化死亡率 0.70%減少と関連
・ 循環器専門医が常にon siteであることは、0.54%減少と関連。
・ 医師に問題解決的な方向性に積極的 0.84%減少と関連。
・ 看護師のICUから心臓カテーテルラボへのクロス・トレーニングをさけることで、0.44%
・ nurse champion単独より、医師・nurse championの方が0.88%低下
あと一つは、”nurse champion”のこと
【nurse champion】
引用 http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m5PTW/is_3_18/ai_n31153660/
What is the role of a "nurse champion"?
The concept of "champions" or "change agents" is prevalent within change theory literature (Adler, Riley, Kwon, Signer, Lee, & Satrasala, 2003; Bellanca, 2007, Reinertsen, Gosfield, Rupp, & Whittington, 2007; Smith, 2003).
Six Sigma (2003), an improvement group within business communities, emphasizes that change agents must have the ability to state facts based on data even if it meets resistance from colleagues.
Within the Canadian ICU Collaborative the role of the safety champion pertains to any member of the health care team who is respected by his/her peers (social skills and clinically sound) and has a willingness and desire (courage) to move towards improving patient outcomes.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement asserts that a strong champion need not be a structural leader in order to make a critical difference in many clinical projects (Reinertsen et al., 2007).
Nurse champions are primarily responsible for working with their unit's improvement group to support the unit's change initiative among their nursing and non-nursing colleagues. The nurse champion must be comfortable in formulating responses to naysayers that are respectful, but challenge the negativity often associated with a move towards change. The improvement team must be prepared to support their nurse champion(s) as they often bear the brunt of any resistance due to their positioning within the staff.ビジネスコミュニケーション上の同僚の意見集約のための存在から、医療チーム上の安全に関わる役割で、同僚を代表するメンバーであり、患者のアウトカム改善のための存在。