



Cancer risk associated with chronic diseases and disease markers: prospective cohort study
Huakang Tu,  et al.
BMJ 2018; 360 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k134 (Published 31 January 2018)
Cite this as: BMJ 2018;360:k134

 405 878 の被検者、心血管バイオマーカー(血圧、総コレステロール、心拍)、糖尿病、慢性腎臓病マーカー(蛋白尿、糸球体濾過速度)、肺疾患、痛風性関節炎(尿酸)を測定、標準メソッドで診断、フォローアップ8.7年間

がん発生リスク統計学的有意増加は、8疾患・個別マーカー(血圧、肺疾患例外)で、補正ハザード比 1.07 - 1.44

Chronic diseases and markers and risk of incident cancer.

8疾患・マーカーはがん死亡リスクと統計学的有意 、補正ハザード比 1.12 - 1.70

Chronic diseases and markers and risk of cancer death.

慢性疾患リスクスコアは、8疾患・マーカーは癌リスクに関して量依存的、高スコアはがん発生 2.21倍 (95% 信頼区間 1.77 - 2.75倍)、がん死亡率 4倍 (2.84 - 5.63倍)


8つの慢性疾患・マーカーからのがん発生率、がん死亡率のPAF (population attributable fraction, 人口寄与割合)を5つのライフスタイル要素からのそれとは同等  (がん発生 20.5% v 24.8%; がん死亡: 38.9% v 39.7%).

 身体活動群(vs 非活発)では、慢性疾患・マーカー関連の癌リスク増加に関して、がん発生で48%、がん死亡で27%減少効果

Diagnostic criteria or categorization of chronic diseases and markers
Cardiovascular disease markers

  • Blood pressure (Joint National Committee guidelines40)
  • Normal: diastolic blood pressure <80 and="" blood="" hg="" hypertension="" li="" medication="" mm="" no="" not="" pressure="" receiving="" reported="" self="" systolic="">
  • Prehypertension: (diastolic blood pressure: 80-89 mm Hg or systolic blood pressure: 120-139 mm Hg), not receiving medication, and no self reported hypertension
  • Hypertension: diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg or systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or receiving medication or self reported hypertension
  • Total cholesterol (mmol/L): <4 .15="" 38.67="" 4.15-4.66="" 4.67-5.18="" 5.19-6.21="" by="" cholesterol="" convert="" dl="" li="" mg="" mmol="" multiply="" of="" si="" to="" total="" unit="">
  • Heart rate (beats/min): <70 70-79="" 80-89="" li="">

Diabetes (WHO criteria41)

  • Normal: fasting glucose level <6 .11="" 18.02="" and="" by="" convert="" diabetes="" dl="" fasting="" glucose="" li="" medication="" mg="" mmol="" multiply="" no="" not="" of="" receiving="" reported="" self="" si="" to="" unit="">
  • Prediabetes: fasting glucose level between 6.11 and 6.95 mmol/L, not receiving medication, and no self reported diabetes
  • Diabetes: fasting glucose level ≥6.96 mmol/L or receiving medication or self reported diabetes

Chronic kidney disease markers (National Kidney Foundation criteria42)

  • Proteinuria: no proteinuria, trace proteinuria, proteinuria (≥+)
  • Glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/1.73 m2): ≥90, 60-89, <60 li="">

Pulmonary disease (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) criteria43)

  • Normal: forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ≥0.70 and FEV1 ≥80% predicted
  • Restrictive: FEV1/FVC ≥0.70 and FEV1 <80 li="" predicted="">
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: FEV1/FVC <0 .70="" li="">

Gouty arthritis marker

  • Uric acid (µmol/L): <297 297-356="" 357-415="" 416-475="" 59.48="" acid="" by="" convert="" divide="" dl="" li="" mg="" mol="" ofuric="" si="" to="" unit="">

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