



Neck/shoulder function in tension-type headache patients and the effect of strength training
Madsen BK, Søgaard K,  et al.
Journal of Pain Research
 Volume 11 February 2018 Volume 2018:11 Pages 445—454 

頚部痛の全部とはもちろん言えないが、筋力低下とrate of force development (RFD)に基づく

RFD  : Rate of force development
Rate of force development is thought to be critical for sports performance for one very simple reason: most sports movements happen within a shorter period of time than human muscles take to reach maximum force production (Hernández-Davó & Sabido, 2014). Although peak force is typically achieved within 250ms (Kawamori et al. 2006), sports movements can occur within a period of time shorter than this.
重要なのは、筋力測定は力vs時間のグラフが線形でないことで、0.5秒間以下でプラトーに達する急峻な増加をしめす。力が発生する初期windowの期間は線形と通常扱っている。間隔は0-50 ms、50-100 ms、100-150 ms、150-200 ms、 200-250 ms。ニュートン(N)/秒として表現される事が多い 

<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">https://www.strengthandconditioningresearch.com/rate-of-force-development-rfd/
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen=""> <100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
緊張性頭痛患者の頚部筋肉の "筋肉強度、屈曲・進展時force steadiness、extension,rate"測定
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">緊張性頭痛患者では、extension force stedinessは健康対照比較で 変動係数:coefficient of variation (CoV) 15%高値 (p=0.047)
RFDは緊張性頭痛患者で健康対照より低値(25%) (p=0.031)<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">筋圧痛(muscle tenderness)と有意な中等度相関 
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">筋力増強介入:10週間のエラスティック(弾性)バンドトレーニング<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">対照:エルゴノミックおよび姿勢補正<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">介入群23、対照群22で 群間差認めず両群とも、進展筋力の安定性有意改善 
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">
<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">

<100ms 1979="" 1988="" 2010="" and="" apena="" br="" chung="" eneke="" for="" high="" jump="" komi="" lasts="" long="" ms="" phase="" take-off="" taylor="" the="" uhtanen="">

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