組織所見確認のIdiopathic inflammatory myosis(IIM):特発性炎症性筋症
診断時スタチン暴露 68/221(30.8%) vs マッチ化対照 142/662(21.5%) p=0.005ほぼ2倍の尤度 補正オッズ比 1.79 95% 信頼区間 ;1.23 - 2.60 p=0.001
壊死性筋炎(necrotizing myositis)を除外した場合でも同様の結果
Association of Statin Exposure With Histologically Confirmed Idiopathic Inflammatory Myositis in an Australian Population
JAMA Intern Med. Published online July 30, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.2859
スタチン関連のmyalgia(筋痛)を含む筋骨格系副作用は稀で、発生頻度 1万人年対 0.4
Idiopathic inflammatory myositis commonly appears as painless, proximal limb girdle weakness with multisystem involvement. Creatinine kinase levels are commonly elevated, and treatment includes high-dose corticosteroids and other forms of immunosuppressive therapies. There are a number of distinct subsets of IIM that are distinguished by clinical features, characteristic histopathologic features, and the presence of myositis-specific autoantibodies. Subsets of IIM include polymyositis, dermatomyositis, inclusion body myositis, and immune-mediated necrotizing myositis. The latter, immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy, has been reported in association with a number of factors, including viral infections, connective-tissue disorders, or exposure to a statin medication. More recently, statin-associated autoimmune myopathy has been recognized as a distinct entity, with the presence of a specific autoantibody against HMG-CoA reductase
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