目的: "The superoxygenated blood helps reduce capillary swelling to restore blood flow to surrounding tissue and decrease infarct size"
AMIHOT 2で、MACE増加傾向あり
During SSO2 therapy developed by the Irvine, Calif., biotechnology company TherOx Inc., saline is drawn into a chamber in a disposable cartridge inserted into the treatment system. Supersaturated oxygen is sprayed into a second chamber and mixed with the saline.
The patient's blood is circulated through a third chamber where it mixes with the SSO2 saline. The blood-oxygen-saline solution is then directed by catheter into the patient's coronary artery where it infuses the capillary bed and surrounding heart tissue. The procedure takes about one hour.

適応症例: anterior STEMI and proximal or mid‐LAD occlusion presenting within 6 hours of symptom onset
Evaluation of intracoronary hyperoxemic oxygen therapy in acute anterior myocardial infarction: The IC‐HOT study
Shukri W. David, et al.
First published: 28 September 2018
Median [interquartile range] infarct size was 24.1% [14.4%, 31.6%] at 4 days and 19.4% [8.8%, 28.9%] at 30 days.
re-perfusion injury (damage)が思い浮かぶのだが・・・
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