Although many studies have been conducted assessing the relationship between UA and CVD, there is disagreement about this relationship [6]. These controversies are due to the dual effect of UA in the body [7]. The atherogenic effects of UA include induction of oxidative stress in cells, which reduces the bioavailability of nitric oxide associated with the activity of platelets and endothelial cells and the differentiation of smooth muscle cells in the vascular system. On the other hand, UA can also have antioxidant properties that can prevent atherosclerosis and improve endothelial function [8].尿酸は、2つの異なる作用:動脈硬化原性:酸化ストレス誘導と抗酸化作用という相反する作用があるということと、腎性低尿酸血症(renal hypouricemia: RHUC)やFanconi症候群など結果的に低尿酸血症に関わる病態などもあり、善か悪かと判断しがちに、日本人気質からもんもんとする尿酸の立場
以下、ただより安いものはない・・・open access論文で、million 被験者
pooled analysisによると、血中尿酸値と心血管疾患死亡率リスクは相関有り(HR 1.45, 95% CI, 1.33-1.58, I2 79%)
Serum uric acid and risk of cardiovascular mortality: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies of over a million participants
Fatemeh Rahimi-Sakak, Mahsa Maroofi, Jamal Rahmani, Nick Bellissimo & Azita Hekmatdoost
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders volume 19, Article number: 218 (2019)
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