
迷走神経聴覚枝:auditory branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN)と慢性咳嗽

persistent urge-to-cough (UTC)と過剰咳嗽は、温度、器械的、科学的暴露のレベルが低くても生じる場合をそう呼ぶ。迷走神経過敏状態で、tussive trigger (咳嗽トリガー)に応じた末梢神経及び中枢性経路の高度の咳嗽反射が生じるという仮説がある。
(咽頭、起動、末端食道からの)求心性迷走神経活性化から咳嗽反射が開始され、外耳道の求心性は迷走神経聴覚枝:auditory branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN)で刺激され、反射性咳嗽やUTCがメカニカルに発生するようになる。


Arnold Nerve Reflex: Vagal Hypersensitivity in Chronic Cough with Various Causes
Yonglin Mai, et al.
CHEST (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2019.11.041.




陽性反応の発生率は、健常者と比較してCVA、GERCおよびUCの被験者で高かった(すべてP <0.05)
慢性咳のさまざまな原因の間で差は認められず(すべてP> 0.05)
サブグループ分析では、陰性反応の患者と比較して陽性反応の患者でカプサイシンに対する咳感受性の増加(P <0 .05="" p=""> 

An ANR evaluation was performed as previously described by Dicpinigaitis PV. 
Firstly, a cotton tip was inserted approximately 3-5mm into the external auditory canal of the left ear. 
Secondly, the cotton tip was rotated in a circular fashion around the perimeter of the auditory canal for two full rotations (720 degrees) to stimulate all aspects of the auditory canal entrance (anterior, posterior, inferior, superior). 
The time interval to perform this procedure was 2-3 seconds. 
If the patient coughed frequently, we would wait for a pause before stimulating the ear again. We would also ask the patient whether they experienced a UTC sensation during the whole process. 
An act of coughing or UTC sensation that occurred within the 10 seconds after stimulation would be considered as a positive response. 
The same procedure was subsequently performed in the right ear. 
To investigate the reproducibility of measurement of ANR, 20 subjects with chronic cough underwent repeated ANR 1 day after the initial evaluation. 
The consistent result suggests a good reproducibility of ANR test (supplement Tab. E2 and E3).

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