


GlycA testは、proton nuclear magnetic resonance (<sup1</sup>H-NMR) spectroscopy-based assayによる新しい検査

The GlycA test quantifies an NMR signal that appears in a region of the NMR LipoProfile® test spectrum separate from that used for lipoprotein particle analysis. Data indicate that this signal is a marker of systemic inflammation, suggesting it may have clinical utility similar or complementary to high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), fibrinogen, and other biomarkers of inflammation.The NMR signal, named "GlycA," originates from the N-acetyl methyl groups of the N-acetylglucosamine moieties on the carbohydrate portions of circulating glycoproteins.  The measured amplitude of this signal reflects the extent of plasma protein glycosylation (not to be confused with nonenzymatic glycation reflecting glucose levels). Most acute phase proteins, released from the liver during an inflammatory response, are glycosylated, and some are glycosylated differentially as a function of inflammation. Acute-phase proteins, such as α1-acid glycoprotein (also known as orosomucoid), haptoglobin, α1-antitrypsin, α1-antichymotrypsin, and transferrin circulate at high enough concentrations to make major contributions to the GlycA signal. Therefore, GlycA is hypothesized to be a nonspecific measure of global inflammation status.Unlike existing biomarkers of inflammation that are discrete molecular species, such as CRP or inflammatory cytokines, GlycA is a composite biomarker that integrates the protein levels and glycosylation states of several of the most abundant acute-phase proteins in serum. This allows for a more stable measure of systemic inflammation with lower intra-individual variability for GlycA than hsCRP. While guidelines recommend two serial measurements be taken at least two weeks apart when using hsCRP for CV disease risk assessment, only one measurement is necessary for evaluation of a patient's CV risk using the GlycA test.


An Association Between the Inflammatory Biomarker GlycA and Depressive Symptom Severity

Samara Huckvale , et al.

J Clin Psychiatry 2021;82(1):20m13245



【方法】データは、ダラス郡の住民の大規模な地域密着型サンプル(N = 3,033)からなるダラス心臓研究(DHS、2000年から2002年の間に実施)から得た。抑うつ症状の重症度は、Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report(QIDS-SR)を用いて評価した。人口統計学的共変量をコントロールした後、血清GlycA値がQIDS-SRスコアの統計的に有意な予測因子になるという仮説が立てられた。GlycA値とQIDS-SRスコアの関係を評価するために重回帰法を用いた。また、QIDS-SRスコアの予測におけるhs-CRPの役割についても検討した。




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