
6分間ステップ数試験(6MST):COPDリハビリテーション前後評価:6分間歩行距離と同等評価可能、MID 20ステップ

6分間歩行距離試験(6MWD)に対して、 6-minute stepper test (6MST) は、耐忍性、再現性が良いという話

Six-minute stepper test: a valid clinical exercise tolerance test for COPD patients

Six-minute stepper test
A step was defined as a single complete movement of raising one foot and putting it down. The stepper (Go Sport®, Grenoble, France)16 was placed on the ground facing a wall to allow patients to maintain their balance by placing their fingers on the wall. The step height was set at 20 cm. Before starting the test, patients got accustomed to the stepper for 2 minutes. The protocol included a 3-minute rest period and a 6-minute stepping period. Patients received standardized instructions adapted from the 6MWT ATS instructions,15 advising them to make the most number of steps they could in 6 minutes. The number of steps performed in 6 minutes was recorded. Monitoring of heart rate and SpO2 by a pulse oximeter (Oxymontre 3100; Nonin) was performed each minute. An investigator, a member of the paramedical team, remained behind the patient throughout the test.


Responsiveness and Minimally Important Difference of the 6-Minute Stepper Test in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Respiration1Vol. 91:367-373 , 2016 (DOI:10.1159/000446517)

背景: COPD患者での、6-minute stepper test (6MST) のvalidityとreproducibilityは報告されている。
目的: 呼吸リハビリテーション<pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) >の反応性評価するための、6MSTのminimal important difference (MID) を評価し、6MWTと比較

方法: 62名のSCOPD患者、前向き研究。
MIDは anchor-based and distribution approachで評価

結果: PR後、6MST中ステップ数T (22.5 steps; 95% CI 13.8-31.3; p < 0.0001) 、6MWD (26.6 m; 95% CI 17.6-35.5; p < 0.0001)増加
6MST と 6MWTはそれぞれ10.1%、6.5%改善
6MST中のステップ数は6MWDとPR前後 (PR前:r = 0.72; p < 0.0001、PR後:r = 0.66; p < 0.0001).とも有意相関

MID 推定、約 20 ステップ

結論: COPD患者の呼吸リハビリテーション中の機能的改善効果評価のための6MST は、6MWTと同様の反応性判定を示すようだ

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