


A New Ultrasound Method for Estimating Dynamic Intrinsic Positive Airway Pressure: A Prospective Clinical Tria
AJRCCM Vol. 198, No.3 Aug 01. 2018l
https://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.201706-1292LE PubMed: 29558160



高周波リネア・プローブを第6〜第10肋間のへ置き、患者をsemi-recumbent positionで記録。平行部位を肋骨横隔膜洞下0.5-2cmで評価。B-モードで希望するwindowを捉えたら、modalityをB-modeにswitchして横隔膜がよく見えるようにする。吸気中分かれる2つの平行する線が見える。flowとPdiトレースをエコー・ドプラー機器へfeed-inする。横隔膜・肝臓interfaceでlinearからgranular patternへ微妙に変化するの横隔膜収縮開始時点で、Pdiトレース表示の評価として用い、横隔膜収縮開始時点と吸気開始時点の間のtime latency(msec) (TLAT,US) を測定、ベースラインからPdi上昇の開始からの吸気流量発症までのtime latency (TLAT,Pdi)を測定
P0.1M :100msでの口閉塞圧(吸気始動患者の努力指標) 

1A: Correlation using the linear mixed effect models with parallel lines fitted for each subjects, between TLAT,US= time latency between ultrasound diaphragm contraction and onset of inspiratory flow and TLAT,Pdi = time measured on the transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) trace.
TLAT,US was quantified on ultrasound device, from the flow trace. It was measured exactly from the beginning of the ultrasound transition between the linear pattern and the
granular pattern of diaphragm-liver interface and the onset of the inspiratory flow, as directly visualized on the ultrasound.
TLAT,Pdi was calculated from the beginning of Pdi rise from baseline, until the onset of the inspiratory flow.
Tlat,Pdi was calculated with a with a dedicated program (Pulmolab), for the recording of respiratory mechanics, and obviously the ultrasound traces were not available.
Tlat,US was calculated through a dedicated Esaote dedicated software (DICOM), using only the ultrasound trace and the flow.

1B: Agreement between TLAT,US and TLAT,Pdi assessed by Bland and Altman plot with estimates for repeated measurements

1C: Correlation using the linear mixed effect models, with parallel lines fitted for each subjects, between PEEPi,Pdi = the value of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure using the transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) and PEEPiECHO = P0.1Mx(TLAT,US/100), where P0.1M is the mouth occlusion pressure at 100ms and TLAT,US = time latency between ultrasound diaphragm contraction and onset of inspiratory flow

1D: Agreement between PEEPi,Pdi and a PEEPiECHO assessed by Bland and Altman plot with estimates for repeated measurements

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