

Chronic heart failure in adults: summary of updated NICE guidance
BMJ 2018; 362 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k3646
 (Published 24 September 2018)

  • 心不全を疑い、NT pro BNP 400超なら、6週間以内に専門家評価、経胸壁心エコーを患者に参照する
  • 駆出率低下型心不全では、ACE阻害剤・β遮断剤を心不全の第1選択とする、症状継続するなら鉱質コルチコイド受容体拮抗剤(MRA)を追加
  • アクセス容易なフォーマット、状況で、安定心不全患者には心臓リハビリテーションをベースとした運動を申し出る
  • 患者の状態が安定になったら、専門家心不全チーム(MDT)の助言を加えたプライマリケアの管理を提供
  • 心不全感はにはルーチンに厳格なナトリウム・水分摂取制限は必要ない



Salt and fluid restriction
• Do not routinely advise people with heart failure to restrict their sodium or fluid consumption. 
Ask about salt and fluid intake and, if needed, advise as follows:
– People with dilutional hyponatremia should restrict fluid intake
– People who consume high levels of salt and/or fluid should reduce their intake.
Continue to review the need to restrict salt or fluid.
• Advise people with heart failure to avoid salt substitutes that contain
potassium (eg, LoSalt or Nu-Salt)
(New recommendation 2018) [Based on very low to low quality evidence from
randomised controlled trials and the experience and opinion of the GC ]

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