
百日咳ガイドライン CHEST咳嗽専門委員会:診断・治療ジレンマはつづくが・・・






Clinically Diagnosing Pertussis-Associated Cough in Adults and Children: Chest Guideline and Expert Panel Report
Abigail Moore, et, al. FCCP On behalf of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2018.09.027

The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) methodologic guidelines and the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation framework were used. The Expert Cough Panel based their recommendations on findings from a systematic review that was recently published on the topic; final grading was reached by consensus according to Delphi methodology. The systematic review was carried out to answer the Key Clinical Question: In patients presenting with cough, how can we most accurately diagnose from clinical features alone those who have pertussis-associated cough as opposed to other causes of cough?


  • paroxysmal cough :発作性咳嗽
  • post-tussive vomiting :咳き込み後嘔吐
  • inspiratory whoop :吸気性笛音
  • absence of fever :発熱なし

「発作性咳嗽」と「高熱なし」が感度高く (93.2% [CI, 83.2-97.4]、81.8% [CI, 72.2-88.7])、特異度低い (20.6% [CI, 14.7-28.1] 、18.8% [CI, 8.1-37.9])

「吸気性笛音」と「咳き込み後嘔吐」は感度低くy (32.5% [CI, 24.5-41.6] 、 29.8% [CI, 8.0-45.2])、特異度高い(77.7% [CI, 73.1-81.7] 、 79.5% [CI, 69.4-86.9])

小児の「咳き込み後嘔吐」が唯一、ほぼ感度高く (60.0% [CI, 40.3-77.0]) 、ほぼほぼ特異度高い (66.0% [CI, 52.5-77.3])

急性(3週間未満)咳嗽あるいは亜急性(3週間から8週間)咳嗽成人においては、「笛音」、「咳き込み後嘔吐」では、百日咳可能性としては"rule in"すべき事項であるが、一方、「発作性咳嗽」が無いこと、「発熱」の存在は"rule out"すべき事項

 1. For adult patients complaining of acute cough (< 3 weeks in duration) or subacute cough (3-8 weeks), we suggest that clinicians should specifically assess for the 4 key characteristics of paroxysmal cough, post-tussive vomiting, inspiratory whooping, and absence of fever in ruling in or out a clinical diagnosis of pertussis. (Grade 2C)

 Remark: Paroxysmal cough is defined as recurrent prolonged coughing episodes (i.e., an expiratory  phase with multiple burst of outflow) with an inability to breathe during spells. Post-tussive vomiting is defined as vomiting induced by coughing. Inspiratory whooping is defined as a continuous inspiratory airway sound with a whooping quality to it. Fever is defined as any body temperature above the normal of  98.6oF(37oC).

 2. For adult patients complaining of acute or sub-acute cough, we suggest that clinicians consider that the cough is unlikely to be due to pertussis if the patient has a fever or the cough is not paroxysmal in nature. (Grade 2C)

 3. For adult patients complaining of acute or subacute cough, we suggest that clinicians consider that the cough is likely to be caused by pertussis if there is post-tussive vomiting or is associated with an inspiratory whooping sound. (Grade 2C)

 4. For children complaining of acute cough (< 4 weeks duration), we suggest that clinicians should specifically assess for the 3 classical characteristics of paroxysmal cough, post-tussive  vomiting, inspiratory whooping. (Ungraded consensus-based statement)

 5. For children complaining of acute cough, we suggest that clinicians consider that the cough  could be caused by pertussis if there is post-tussive vomiting. (Grade 2C)

 6. For children complaining of acute cough, we suggest that clinicians consider that the cough  could be caused by pertussis if there is paroxysmal cough or inspiratory whooping. (Ungraded  consensus-based statement)

日本では遷延咳嗽というだけで、臨床的特徴を無視し、単回抗体値だけで、成人百日咳と診断してしまう集団がいるが、”精度の高い新検査法(百日咳菌LAMP法、2016年から健康保険適用、IASR 2017, 38: 33-34)”などで確認が必要となった昨今、この主張は消えるだろう。


百日咳 感染症法に基づく医師届出ガイドライン(初版)
平成 30 年4月25 日 国立感染症研究所

が、感染症法上の届出対象としてはBordetella pertussis感染症の場合のみである


Early treatment of pertussis is very important. The earlier a person, especially an infant, starts treatment the better. If a patient starts treatment for pertussis early in the course of illness, during the first 1 to 2 weeks before coughing paroxysms occur, symptoms may be lessened. Clinicians should strongly consider treating prior to test results if clinical history is strongly suggestive or patient is at risk for severe or complicated disease (e.g., infants). If a clinician diagnoses the patient late, antibiotics will not alter the course of the illness and, even without antibiotics, the patient should no longer be spreading pertussis.


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