持続血圧測定が心血管イベント個別リスク予測として最良で一貫性があり多リスク要素と独立した存在であることは間違いない。一方、日常臨床でのマニュアル血圧測定の性作成と役割に関して疑義が投じられ、"white coat effect"だけでなく、正確性乏しくawake 血圧値との相関性さえ乏しいと指摘。oscillometric 血圧計は複数測定法の組み合わせで質改善をもたらす可能性あり、マニュアル測定法に劣ると言えなくなってきた。医師や看護師不要の Omron 907 (Omron Healthcare) と BpTRU (BpTRU Medical Devices Inc)など診療スタッフ不在下で血圧自動測定複数回施行できるようになった
Automated Office Blood Pressure測定を用いた方法とその他測定方法の比較に関するシステマティック・レビュー
Automated Office Blood Pressure測定法:機器毎測定法が異なる。
We considered unattended BP measurement recorded with fully automated devices as valid measurements of AOBP if they did not require any involvement of the patient, such as activating the device. All but 1 study14 used either the BpTRU (5 readings at 1- to 2-minute intervals after an initial test reading without antecedent rest), Omron 907 (3 readings, usually at 1-minute intervals with 5 minutes of antecedent rest), or the WatchBP Office (Microlife AG; 1-minute delay then 3 readings at 1-minute intervals).
No additional rest was mandated before the initiation of the AOBP measurements, although several studies,15-18 which otherwise followed AOBP principles, did include an additional rest period.
研究用血圧測定:research BP measurementや、ルーチン診察室血圧測定:routine office BP measurementと分けられているが、ややわかりにくい。定義が書かれている
We defined a research quality office BP as a measurement performed according to standard guidelines, such as those of the American Heart Association. A routine office BP measurement was defined as a manual or electronic BP reading taken in usual clinical practice and not as part of a research study. These readings were obtained retrospectively after office staff, who were unaware that the measurements would be used in a research study, had recorded them. In order for the BPs to be considered routine and to avoid observer bias, they could not be measured prospectively as part of a study.
Comparing Automated Office Blood Pressure Readings With Other Methods of Blood Pressure Measurement for Identifying Patients With Possible Hypertension
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Michael Roerecke, et al.
JAMA Intern Med. Published online February 4, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.6551

収縮期血圧平均差 (MD): Automated Office Blood Pressure (AOBP) (Reference) とAwake Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) Measurement;収縮期血圧AOBP 130 mm Hg以上サンプル
Weights are from random-effects analysis. TRUE-HTA is a study name.

Weights are from random-effects analysis. TRUE-HTA is a study name.

収縮期血圧平均差 (MD): Automated Office Blood Pressure (AOBP) (Reference) とRoutine Office BP Measurement;収縮期血圧AOBP 130 mm Hg以上サンプル
Weights are from random-effects analysis.
主要アウトカム測定:収縮期血圧と拡張期血圧の各測定値のプール化平均差(95% CI)
収縮期血圧 130 mmHg以上のサンプルで
プール化平均差 ルーチン診察室収縮期血圧測定値との差 14.5 mm Hg (95% CI, 11.8-17.2 mm Hg; n = 9; I2 = 94.3%; P < .001)
同様、リサーチ上の収縮期血圧測定値 7.0 mm Hg (95% CI, 4.9-9.1 mm Hg; n = 9; I2 = 85.7%; P <.001)
結論と知見:自動診察室血圧(AOBP)測定は、患者を静かな空間に1人にするという適切環境下で行えば、ルーチンの臨床での診察室血圧測定値より性格で、持続血圧測定値に類似、white coat effect避けることができる平均AOBP値となる。