
炭水化物指標Glycemic Index or loadといったものより食物線維指標が重要


High-Fiber Diet Might Protect Against Range of Conditions

" spent years helping to hammer out the World Health Organization’s definition of fiber"というのは、食物線維:dietary fibreの定義について、WHOと戦った人らしいMann



What is FDA's definition for dietary fiber that can be declared on the Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels?
Dietary fiber that can be declared on the Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels includes certain naturally occurring fibers that are "intrinsic and intact" in plants, and added isolated or synthetic non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates that FDA has determined have beneficial physiological effects to human health. These effects include lowering blood glucose and cholesterol levels, reduced calorie intake, and increasing the frequency of bowel movements. 
The Nutrition Facts Label final rule defines "dietary fiber," in relevant part, as "non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates (with 3 or more monomeric units), and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants; isolated or synthetic non-digestible carbohydrates (with 3 or more monomeric units) determined by FDA to have physiological effects that are beneficial to human health."





食物線維はglycemic indexやglycemic loadより重要な健康食指標である

Carbohydrate quality and human health: a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Andrew Reynolds, et al.
THe Lancet VOLUME 393, ISSUE 10170, P434-445, FEBRUARY 02, 2019

Published:January 10, 2019

観察データだと総死亡 と心血管関連死亡、2型糖尿病、大腸癌発生は、dietary fibre最大摂取群では最小摂取群比較で15-30%減少
dietary fibreが25-29gの範囲が最もクリティカルアウトカムでのレンジのリスク減少を認める

量依存曲線だと、dietary fibreの高摂取は、心血管疾患、2型糖尿病、直腸結腸癌、乳癌防御的であり、同様所見がgrain intakeで認められる

食事特性としてのglycemic indexやglycemic loadの低値 vs 高値比較では観察研究は影響としては無いか少ない。

炭水化物の質とクリティカル・アウトカムの相関性に関するエビデンスの確証はdietary fibre、に比べれば"よりmoderate"のgradeであり、whole grainに関しては "low to moderate"、 dietary glycaemic index と glycaemic loadに関しては"low to very low"のgrade


Fiber Intake and Survival After Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis

JAMA Oncol. 2018;4(1):71-79. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.3684



Fiber has been associated with lower risk of CRC in many—but not all—studies.6The most recent expert report concludes that consumption of foods containing dietary fiber probably protects against CRC.7 Fiber helps to minimize exposure to intestinal carcinogens by diluting fecal content and decreasing transit time8 and also has systemic benefits on insulin sensitivity and metabolic regulation,9 which have been linked to CRC prognosis.10 Moreover, fiber can be fermented by the gut bacteria into short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, acetate, and propionate, that possess a diversity of tumor-suppressive effects.11,12 Preclinical studies have indicated the potential of butyrate and its analogs as chemotherapeutic agents in several tumor models,13,14 including CRC.15

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