素人からみると、認知症リスクとは相関するが、MCIとは相関しないというのはどういうことなのだろう? MCI基準の不備? あるいは、抗コリン薬の認知機能への影響が大きすぎてMCIをすっ飛ばして認知症へ急激に進行するため?
Anticholinergic drugs and incident dementia, mild cognitive impairment and cognitive decline: a meta-analysis
Nina T Pieper, et al.
Age and Ageing, afaa090,
Published: 29 June 2020 Article history
26の研究(621,548人の参加者を含む)が包含基準を満たした。抗コリン薬の「いづれかの」使用も認知症の発症と関連していた(OR 1.20、95%信頼区間[CI] 1.09-1.32、I2 = 86%)。
短期および長期の使用も認知症の発症と関連していた(OR 1.23、95%信頼区間[CI] 1.17-1.29、I2 = 2%、OR 1.50、95%CI 1.22-1.85、I2 = 90%)。
「いづれかの」抗コリン薬の使用は認知機能の低下と関連していた(SMD 0.15;95%CI 0.09-0.21、I2 = 3%)が、MCIについては統計学的に有意な差を示さなかった(OR 1.24、95%CI 0.97-1.59、I2 = 0%)。
ǂOR (95% CI) estimated as the inverse variance weighted average of the published adjusted ORs for exposures of 90–364, 365–1459 and >1460 daily doses for short-term use (90+ days) and of 365–1459 and >1460 daily doses for long-term use (365+ days). *The Cai 2013 estimate is for 60+ days use versus <60 1-year="" 2006="" 2016="" 6="" a="" ancelin="" and="" as="" at="" baseline="" consecutive="" days="" estimated="" every="" follow-up="" for="" gomm="" long-term="" nbsp="" prescription="" quarter="" quarters.="" span="" use="">**OR (95% CI) estimated as the inverse variance weighted average of the published adjusted ORs for exposures of oxybutynin, solifenacin and tolterodine. Abbreviations: n, number of dementia cases; N, number of participants.60>
Pharmacokinetic-related factorsThe pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics of inhalational anticholinergics play an important role in the efficacy and safety profile of these agents. All the inhaled agents result in less systemic exposure compared with agents that are taken orally or intravenously. This leads to a wider therapeutic index and excellent tolerance profile for all the inhalational medications. All the currently available anticholinergics are water-soluble agents and hence have limited penetration across biological membranes. When given in the inhaled form, they have reduced systemic absorption and are less likely to cross the blood–brain barrier. Table 1 provides the characteristics of inhaled anticholinergic agents currently approved for use in the treatment of COPD.9
Tiotropium is the first long-acting inhalational anticholinergic to be approved by the FDA for use in COPD. The systemically absorbed tiotropium is mainly eliminated by the urinary tract. Further, the renal clearance of tiotropium exceeds the creatinine clearance, which suggests the presence of active secretion into kidney tubules. Thus, renal impairment may affect its elimination and its safety profile.
Aclidinium is metabolized rapidly by plasma esterases, resulting in a very low maximum plasma concentration and thus low systemic exposure. Aclidinium is eliminated as its metabolite in urine (close to two-thirds of a dose) and in feces (close to one-third of a dose). Renal and liver clearances play minor roles in the total clearance of aclidinium bromide from plasma and dose adjustment is not needed. The residence time of aclidinium in the muscarinic acetylcholine M2 receptor is short and may explain the favorable cardiovascular profile.
Drug Healthc Patient Saf. 2013; 5: 49–55
Local concentrations in the lung are not known, but the mode of administration suggests substantially higher concentrations in the lung. Studies in rats have shown that tiotropium does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier to any relevant extent.https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/auspar-tiotropium-bromide-161125-pi-01.pdf
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