
ICU患者:せん妄予測式 PRE-DELIRIC モデル


Development and validation of PRE-DELIRIC (PREdiction of DELIRium in ICu patients) delirium prediction model for intensive care patients: observational multicentre study
BMJ 2012; 344 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e420 (Published 9 February 2012)Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e420


prediction (PRE-DELIRIC) model は10の要素
モデルは、ROC曲線下面積(AUROC)として、boostrapping後、0.87 (95% 信頼区間 0.85 - 0.89) 、0.86

temporal validation 及び external validation にて、0.89 (0.86 - 0.92) と0.84 (0.82 - 0.87)
pooled AUROCは、0.85(0.84-0.87)

Formula for PRE-DELIRIC model

  • Risk of delirium = 1/(1+exp−(−6.31
  • + 0.04 × age
  • + 0.06 × APACHE-II score
  • + 0 for non-coma or 0.55 for drug induced coma or 2.70 for miscellaneous coma or 2.84 for combination coma
  • + 0 for surgical patients or 0.31 for medical patients or 1.13 for trauma patients or 1.38 for neurology/neurosurgical patients
  • + 1.05 for infection
  • + 0.29 for metabolic acidosis
  • + 0 for no morphine use or 0.41 for 0.01-7.1 mg/24 h morphine use or 0.13 for 7.2-18.6 mg/24 h morphine use or 0.51 for >18.6 mg/24 h morphine use
  • + 1.39 for use of sedatives
  • + 0.03 × urea concentration (mmol/L)
  • + 0.40 for urgent admission))
  • The scoring system’s intercept is expressed as −6.31; the other numbers represent the shrunken regression coefficients (weight) of each risk factor.

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