アンチ・タバコ運動は、Surgeon General reportランドマークが起点、その後、50年間のうち、800万名の命を救ってきたと。1964年タバコは肺がんの原因という報告
喫煙率は、1964年の42%から2012年の18%となったと、Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(米国疾病予防管理センター)
Surgeon General report1964年報告以降、1800万名近くタバコによる死が存在すると、Theodore Holford ( Yale University School of Public Health)指導の新しい報告。
Tobacco Control and the Reduction in Smoking-Related Premature Deaths in the United States, 1964-2012
Theodore R. Holford, et.al.,
JAMA January 7, 2014 50 Years of Tobacco Control
Original Investigations
- RCT: Varenicline in Patients with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
- RCT: Varenicline and Bupropion SR for Tobacco Dependence
- Tobacco Control and Smoking-Related Premature Deaths, 1964-2012
- Mental Illness, Smoking, and Smoking Cessation
- Smoking Prevalence and Cigarette Consumption in 187 Countries, 1980-2012
Editorials and Opinions
- Schroeder and Koh: Tobacco Control 50 Years After The Surgeon General's Report
- Cole and Fiore: The War Against Tobacco
- Frieden: Tobacco Control Progress and Potential
- Abrams: Promise and Peril of e-Cigarettes
- Smith and Chapman: Research Neglect of Unassisted Smoking Cessation
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