

Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatment of hyponatraemia
EJE: Clinical and translaiona endocrinology from around the globe
doi: 10.1530/EJE-13-1020 Eur J Endocrinol March 1, 2014 170 

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)、European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) 、European Renal Association、European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA–EDTA)、European Renal Best Practice (ERBP)など集中治療・内分泌分野・腎臓関連学会の、診断アプローチ、治療のClinical Practice Guideline


低張性低ナトリウム血症 vs 非低張性低ナトリウム血症除外

補正血中Na+:(測定値)Na + 2.4 
× ((血糖 mg/dL-100 mg/dL)/100 mg/dL)

血中浸透圧増加/低ナトリウム血症を生じる【effecitve osmole】
e.g.) ブドウ糖、マニトール、グリシン、ヒスチジン・トリプトファン・ケトグルタール酸、高張性造影剤

血中浸透圧増加するも、低ナトリウム血症を生じない【ineffective osmole】
e.g.) 尿素、アルコール、エチレングリコール

e.g.) 中性脂肪、コレステロール、蛋白、免疫グロブリン注射、モノクローナルγグロブリン血症


We recommend interpreting urine osmolality of a spot urine sample as a first step (1D).

 If urine osmolality is %100 mOsm/kg, we rec- ommend accepting relative excess water intake as a cause of the hypotonic hyponatraemia (1D).

If urine osmolality is O100 mOsm/kg, we rec- ommend interpreting the urine sodium concen- tration on a spot urine sample taken simultaneously with a blood sample (1D).

If urine sodium concentration is %30 mmol/l, we suggest accepting low effective arterial volume as a cause of the hypotonic hyponatraemia (2D).

If urine sodium concentration is O30 mmol/l, we suggest assessing extracellular fluid status and use of diuretics to further differentiate likely causes of hyponatraemia (2D).

We suggest against measuring vasopressin for confirming the diagnosis of SIADH (2D).


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