
健康無徴候者へのHピロリ菌除菌治療のシステマティック・レビュー&メタアナリシス: アジア人種限定、しかもエビデンスとして少ない



その上に、ピロリ菌除菌による他のベネフィット、上部消化管症状や 血液系へのベネフィット、そして、C.difficile感染などの有害性も検討されるべき

Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy to prevent gastric cancer in healthy asymptomatic infected individuals: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
BMJ 2014; 348 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g3174 (Published 20 May 2014)
Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g3174


胃がん発生率: 除菌療法 1.6%(51名)/3294 vs 対照 2.4%(76名)/3203 
相対リスク 0.66、95%信頼区間, CI, 0.45 - 0.95 研究間heterogeneity I2 = 0%で問題なし

除菌治療のベネフィットが生涯続くなら、NNTとしては中国人男性で 15、US女性で 245となる。

 Forest plot of randomised controlled trials of H pylori eradication therapy: effect on subsequent occurrence of gastric cancer


Forest plot of randomised controlled trials of H pylori eradication therapy: effect on subsequent occurrence of gastric cancer according to presence or absence of pre-neoplastic lesions at baseline. (You 200632 and Ma 201226 study had missing data concerning presence or absence of pre-neoplastic lesions at baseline for 16 individuals, leading to the loss of one gastric cancer from the analysis)


Forest plot of randomised controlled trials of H pylori eradication therapy: effect on subsequent occurrence of gastric cancer according to anti-oxidant or vitamin use


Forest plot of randomised controlled trials of H pylori eradication therapy: effect on subsequent mortality from gastric cancer


Forest plot of randomised controlled trials of H pylori eradication therapy: effect on subsequent all cause mortality

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