





Years Ago, This Doc Linked a Mysterious Lung Disease to Vaping
Pulmonologist John E. Parker, MD, discusses his 2015 case study
by Victoria Knight, Kaiser Health News
August 24, 2019

ウェストバージニア病院で勤務するJohn E. Parker, MDの31歳女性の急性肺障害症例報告


Acute Lipoid Pneumonia Secondary to E- Cigarettes Use: An Unlikely Replacement for Cigarettes
Sujal Modi, MD; Rahul Sangani, MD; Ahmad Alhajhusain, MD
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Chest. 2015;148(4_MeetingAbstracts):382A. doi:10.1378/chest.2274860

CASE PRESENTATION: A 31 year-old female smoker was admitted to the hospital for progressive dyspnea and cough. Physical exam was remarkable for bibasilar rales and low-normal oxygen saturation. Chest x-ray noted bilateral air space opacities. Despite treatment with empiric antibiotics, she became increasingly hypoxic and was intubated due to concerns of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Blood and sputum cultures were negative. CT of the chest revealed diffuse ground-glass opacities with interlobular septal thickening consistent with ‘crazy paving’ pattern. Bronchoalveolar lavage  showed reactive pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages with positive staining (Oil-Red-O) for lipid content. She was started on intravenous steroids. Given the temporal association of recent three month e-cigarettes use and characteristic findings, she was diagnosed with LP. Patient noted rapid improvement with cessation of e-cigarettes and systemic steroids.

DISCUSSION: Exogenous LP is an infrequent inflammatory disease, historically associated with use of laxatives and oil-based nasal solutions. Symptoms are non-specific and may be mistaken for pneumonia. Our patient started using e-cigarettes in an attempt to quit smoking. She endorsed frequent coughing with e-cigarettes and it is suspected that she aspirated the lipid contents into her airways which were subsequently taken up by alveolar macrophages, accumulated in the interstitial space and manifested as LP. Compared to prior reported cases, our patient had a relatively acute and severe presentation, requiring intubation. Cessation of exposure typically resolves the symptoms. However, in severe cases, it can progress to fibrosis and chronic respiratory failure. Steroids are recommended for severe cases but evidence is lacking.

CONCLUSIONS: Our case highlights a side effect of e-cigarettes presenting as acute severe exogenous LP. Growing use of e-cigarettes among the smokers and its unregulated availability raises concern for emergence of such adverse effects. Extreme caution is recommended to consider e-cigarettes as effective nicotine replacement therapy.



Was it the first case that you had seen at your institution?

To our knowledge it was our first case, but we are humble enough clinicians to realize we may have missed some other cases that we interpreted [as] viral pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia.

Have you seen more cases since then?
I know we've seen a case [of alveolar hemorrhage syndrome] that we published, and in polling some colleagues we think we've probably also seen [cases of] cryptogenic organizing pneumonia as well as lipoid pneumonia and acute eosinophilic pneumonia. Yeah, we've certainly seen at least probably four forms of lung disease from vaping.

If your team was seeing this back in 2015, is it possible that it's been happening in the 4 years since then and people just don't know about it?
I really have every reason to think we were not the first ones to see it, by any means.
And I don't think we were even the first ones to report it. I think that there were some clusters in Wisconsin and some other places in the U.S. I also know that the Japanese have been very interested. They've probably got four or five papers at least in the medical literature about vaping-related lung injury. 
Do you have a theory of what might be causing the lipoid pneumonia cases? Do you think there may be certain chemicals that are irritants?
We need a strong multidisciplinary team to understand the real etiology and cause of lung injury from inhalation. I think it could be any number of components in the mixtures. Lungs don't like oil, in general, and probably the most specific agent that's been studied recently is diacetyl, which was studied in popcorn-flavoring lung disease.
 Have these kinds of cases changed the way you approach patients?
Yeah, we search very carefully for a history of vaping.... I think it's quite important to understand if they might be using inhaled agents or vaping that might present new toxicities to the lung. 
Will these illnesses have long-term health effects?
An inhalational injury may cause an acute lung injury that's life-threatening and that someone may survive from and have no long-term sequelae. But there also is the possibility that long-term [e-cigarette] use may cause more insidious or chronic diseases from which there may not be a full recovery.

Vaping: CDC investigates severe lung injuries
BMJ 2019; 366 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l5228 (Published 20 August 2019)
Cite this as: BMJ 2019;366:l5228

ケースは、ウィスコンシン、イリノイ、カリフォルニア、インディアナ、ミネソタの5つの州で発生しています。影響を受けた人々のほとんどは若い成人でした。 CDCは、ニューヨーク、インディアナ、ユタを含む他の州でも未確認の症例を調査しています。
6月18日から8月15日までに、14の州で、vapingに関連した重症肺損傷94例が報告されました。 30症例がウィスコンシン州中西部上部州で発生し、近くのイリノイ州では24症例が報告されました。
患者には、咳、息切れ、疲労などの呼吸器症状がありました。発熱、胸痛、体重減少、吐き気、下痢についても言及しました。 CDCは、胸部X線は両側性の陰影を示し、CT画像はびまん性のすりガラス陰影を示し、しばしば胸膜下温存を伴うと述べた。ほぼすべての患者で感染の兆候は見られませんでした。
イリノイ州公衆衛生局長のNgozi Ezikeは、次のように述べています。「10代の間のvapingはここ数年間で劇的増加している。未だ短期・長期影響調査がなされている状況で、最近報告の入院において、10代の子供とvapingについて両親が会話する必要性とvapingによりもたされる結果と、潜在的危険性が注目されている。」 
これまでCDCは、電子タバコを子供、ティーンエイジャー、若い成人にとって安全ではないと考えていたが、タバコや他の喫煙製品の代替品として、妊娠していない成人喫煙者にとっては有益である可能性があるとした。現在、CDCは疾患や徴候、症状についてのemergency alertを医師や医療機関へ送っているその警告には、医師は呼吸器または肺の病気の患者に電子タバコ製品を吸うために使用したかどうかを尋ねるべきであり、使用された合法または違法薬物の種類と使用方法も尋ねるべきだとしている。電子タバコ製品が疑われる場合、医師は製品の種類と、患者が市販のデバイスまたは液体を使用しているか、電子タバコ製品を共有しているか、古いカートリッジまたはポッドを(自家製または市販の製品とともに)再使用しているかどうかを尋ねる必要があります。または、薬物を加熱して濃縮し、特定の種類の装置を使用して吸入します。


1.電子タバコ E-cigarettes
a). 液体(リキッド)を加熱してエアロゾルを発生させて吸引するタイプ
b). 液体(リキッド)には、ニコチンを含むものと含まないもの、の 2 種類がある注)
ニコチンを含むもの:electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)
ニコチンを含まないもの:electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS)

2.非燃焼・加熱式タバコ Heat-not-burn tobacco
a). 葉タバコを直接加熱し、ニコチンを含むエアロゾル吸引するタイプ(商品名 iQOS, glo)
b). 低温で霧化する有機溶剤からエアロゾルを発生させた後、タバコ粉末を通過させて、タバコ成分を吸引するタイプで、電子タバコに類似した仕組み(商品名 Ploom TECH)

iQOSやglo、Ploom Techは電子タバコですらない

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