
COVID-19:嗅覚障害 軽症患者ほど嗅覚障害目立つ可能性?

18のヨーロッパの病院での 検討

嗅覚障害は軽症だと85.9%、中等度/重度では 4.6-6.9%程度

発症後60日めの主観的嗅覚回復しなかった症例は 24.1%

平均主観的有症状期間は 21.6±17.6日間

客観的嗅覚確認による低嗅覚/無嗅覚は 54.7% と 36.6%

60日後は各々 15.3%、4.7%


Prevalence and 6‐month recovery of olfactory dysfunction: a multicentre study of 1363 COVID‐19 patients

JIM ,First published: 05 January 2021


The main hypothesis underlying the higher prevalence of anosmia in mild COVID‐19 would consist of differences in the immune response to the infection in mild and moderate‐to‐critical patients [21]. In this hypothesis, patients with mild COVID‐19 could have a better local immunological response through a higher production of IgA, which could limit the virus spread into the organism. The limited virus spread in the host body could therefore be associated with a mild clinical form of the disease. Due to the local inflammatory reaction and the well‐demonstrated olfactory cell expression of angiotensin‐converting enzyme‐2 (ACE2) and TMPRSS2 [22, 23], the patients with mild disease could have stronger impairment of olfactory cells. In addition, we observed that severe and critical patients had a significantly higher level of IgG than mild patients, which may corroborate some findings of the literature [24]. However, this hypothesis requires additional studies involving immunological sera, saliva and nasal secretion analyses. 


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