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What Doctors Should Know About Delta | MedPage Today

Do Vaccines Protect Against Delta?

Data from England and Scotland suggest that vaccines do still protect against Delta, though the variant does somewhat reduce their efficacy.

In its latest analysis, Public Health England reported a 10% absolute reduction in overall vaccine effectiveness (two doses) against symptomatic disease with Delta compared with Alpha (79% vs 89%). As for hospitalizations, full vaccination offered similar protection against Delta (96%) and Alpha (93%).

A Public Health England study published in late May on the preprint server medRxiv found that Pfizer's shot appeared to be more protective against symptomatic disease from Delta than AstraZeneca's jab (87.9% vs 59.8%).

The Lancet study from Public Health Scotland revealed similar results, showing substantial -- albeit somewhat diminished -- effectiveness against symptomatic infection with Delta. This study also found better efficacy with Pfizer's vaccine (79%) than for AstraZeneca's (60%).

Additionally, Moderna announced results from a small lab study that showed only a "modest reduction" in neutralizing antibodies against Delta with its mRNA vaccine.

"There are still breakthrough infections after vaccination -- and more so with Delta -- but current vaccines do still provide excellent protection against sickness and death compared to no vaccination," Christina Pagel, PhD, of University College London, told MedPage Today.

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