


" 高齢者を対象とした多施設、無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照試験内で、葉酸とビタミンB12を2年間補充して5~7年間の延長追跡調査"なんで、効果があったとしても経年的に影響は少なくなってるはず




The baseline total homocysteine concentration of the included participants was also different compared to our study (9.8–13.4 mmol/l versus 14.4 mmol/l). Interestingly, we found a lower fracture incidence for the group with higher total homocysteine concentration at baseline (>15.1 μmol/l). 

The findings were supported by the tendency toward fracture reduction in the total group, but not by the findings on osteoporotic fractures. Yet the numbers of cases were low in the stratified analysis and for this reason, these explorative findings should be interpreted with caution. Also, the participants in the treatment group with higher baseline homocysteine concentration had a steeper decline of total homocysteine concentration after the supplementation of folic acid and vitamin-B12 than the participants with lower baseline homocysteine concentration suggesting that the effect of the intervention was more pronounced in participants with higher total homocysteine concentration. This is in line with treatment of vitamin D deficiency, where the effect on serum parathyroid hormone concentration is greater when the baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is lower . 

In general, vitamin supplementation may show a threshold effect, working only in deficient people [23]. In a similar way of reasoning, the effects may soon disappear after discontinuation of supplementation. This follow-up study reports outcomes after a follow-up of 5–7 years, including treatment for 2–3 years only, thus, the effect of supplementation may be disappeared. Besides, from our previous findings of an increased risk of colorectal cancer with B-vitamins supplementation, we do not recommend supplementation of these vitamins in not-deficient general population [18].

It may be speculated that the latter indicates a (intracellular) B-vitamin deficiency . As known, B-vitamins lower total homocysteine concentration and play an important role in the homocysteine metabolism 

However, the studies of the relation between high homocysteine concentration and bone show conflicting results [25]. 

From the previous studies which reported an association between elevated total homocysteine concentration and fracture risk, it remains unclear whether this could be explained by disrupted one-carbon metabolism or whether residual confounding by other physiological and lifestyle factors that associate with hyperhomocysteinemia may play a role [25]. 

The one-carbon metabolism can be disrupted by vitamin-B12 and folate deficiencies. However, other causes of hyperhomocysteinemia are high intake of methionine, certain diseases (chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism and malignant tumors in the breast, ovary or pancreas) and ingestion of certain drugs [26, 27, 28, 29]. 

However, in our study, vitamin-B12 and folate level was not an effect modifier in the effect of the intervention on fracture risk, suggesting that different levels of vitamin-B12 and folate would not make a difference in the risk of fracture. Our population was also not deficient in B-vitamin measured by different methods (active vitamin-B12, HoloTC and MMA). Since the methods to detect vitamin-B12 and folate deficiency are under debate [30], due to its low biased value of B-vitamin level, the effectiveness of the intervention in the high homocysteine group might be explained by a subclinical deficiency of B-vitamins, that warrants further study.



骨の健康におけるビタミンB群のメカニズムはまだ完全には解明されていないが、ビタミンB群はコラーゲンの生成に影響を与え、用量依存的に骨芽細胞の代謝を変化させるようである。さらに、ビタミンB群の低レベルは、低骨ミネラル密度(BMD)および骨折リスクの増加と関連している。しかし、Gracia Lopezらによる最近のメタアナリシスでは、B-ビタミン補給後の骨折の有意な減少は示されなかった。しかし、冠動脈性心疾患の潜伏期間(曝露から死亡までの期間)は10年以上である可能性があり、さらに骨折に関してはより長期のフォローアップが必要。

Long-term effects of folic acid and vitamin-B12 supplementation on fracture risk and cardiovascular disease: Extended follow-up of the B-PROOF trial

Sadaf Oliai Araghi, et al.

Clinical Nutrition , Published:August 04, 2020




 initial B-proofでは、ビタミンB群の補給に一貫性のない結果が出ていた。しかし、ビタミンB群の加齢性疾患への影響については議論が続いている。そこで、葉酸とビタミンB12の補給による介入が骨折や心血管疾患リスクに及ぼす長期的な効果(5~7年フォローアップ)を調査することであった。


B-PROOF試験は、葉酸(400μg)とビタミンB12(500μg)を毎日2~3年間摂取することの効果をプラセボと比較して評価するように設計された多施設、二重盲検、無作為化プラセボ対照試験である(n = 2,919)の延長フォローアップ試験。




合計1,298人(44.5%)が、中央値54カ月[51~58]の第2フォローアップラウンドに参加した(n = 662人、n = 636人、治療群対プラセボ群)。ベースライン時の年齢中央値は両群とも71.0歳[68.0-76.0]


ベースラインのホモシステイン濃度による潜在的な相互作用は、骨粗鬆症および任意の骨折について観察され(それぞれp = 0.10および0.06)、総ホモシステイン濃度が高い(>15.1 μmol/l)治療群では任意の骨折のリスクが有意に低いことが示された。


Fig. 1The effect of folic acid and vitamin-B12 on verified first osteoporotic fracture and any fracture in participants with complete follow-up (n = 1298) stratified by homocysteine tertiles (≤13.2, 13.2–15.1 and ≥15.1 mmol/l) in the adjusted model (p-for interaction = 0.10 and p = 0.06 respectively). Hcy = Homocysteine, HR = Hazard Ratio. 




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