

Clinical Guidelines
Red Blood Cell Transfusion: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the AABB
Ann Int Med. April 3, 2012, 156 (7)

AABB (formerly, the American Association of Blood Banks)  :米国血液銀行協会

Recommendation 1: The AABB recommends adhering to a restrictive transfusion strategy (7 to 8 g/dL) in hospitalized, stable patients (Grade: strong recommendation; high-quality evidence).
Recommendation 2: The AABB suggests adhering to a restrictive strategy in hospitalized patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease and considering transfusion for patients with symptoms or a hemoglobin level of 8 g/dL or less (Grade: weak recommendation; moderate-quality evidence).
Recommendation 3: The AABB cannot recommend for or against a liberal or restrictive transfusion threshold for hospitalized, hemodynamically stable patients with the acute coronary syndrome (Grade: uncertain recommendation; very low-quality evidence).
Recommendation 4: The AABB suggests that transfusion decisions be influenced by symptoms as well as hemoglobin concentration (Grade: weak recommendation; low-quality evidence).
入院安定患者では、制限輸血(restrictive transfusion)、Hb 7-8g/dL、 心血管疾患・貧血による症状ある入院患者に対しては、制限 8g/dLを遵守すること。

 急性冠症候群入院血行動態安定での輸血閾値に関して、非制限(liberal transfusion)、制限(restrictive transfusion)、どちらの推奨も現段階では決定できない。


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